Using Enterprise Credits to Pay for Geek Leads

If you bank with Enterprise, you probably know that you get free "analysis credits" in working with them that you can use to pay for business expenses and this includes Geek!

Here's how it works in REALLY simple terms:

  1. Enterprise sends money to Geek, which "prepays" for leads.
  2. When Geek bills for leads, we use your prepaid balance instead of charging your card / bank account.

Here's a little more detail on how that works itself in practice.

  1. You Tell Geek How Much of a Balance You'd Like to Prepay
    You decide how much money you want to put into the "Geek bank" via Enterprise. Example:  $3000 is what you decide you want in the 'Geek bank'.

  2. Geek Sends You an Invoice
    Geek sends you an invoice for $3000 (or whatever number you chose), which you then forward to your rep at Enterprise.

  3. Geek Waits for Enterprise
    Enterprise normally takes 2-3 weeks to pay an invoice like this; once they do, we'll start paying for your Geek leads with that money provided by Enterprise.

  4. Geek Bills Against Enterprise Balance
    Each week, as we bill for leads that we've generated for you, we take the owed monies out of the balance we have on file that Enterprise sent to us (instead of charging your credit card / bank account).

That's the gist of how it works.  A couple points to emphasize:

For more details on setting up a Enterprise Credits Fund with Geek, read more about how to do that in the Geek Dashboard here.

How to Setup & Add Money to an Enterprise Credits Fund

If you looking to use Enterprise Credits to pay for Geek leads, this article will walk you through setting that up yourself in the Geek dashboard (Find more details on how paying for Geek leads with Enterprise Credits works here).

Setting Up Your Enterprise Credits Fund

The first step in the process is setting up an Enterprise Credits Fund. To do this, go to the Settings page in the Geek Dashboard and click on the "Enterprise Credits" option:

From here, select the "Create Fund" option:

This will bring up a pop-up with an option to name the Enterprise Credits Fund if you wish. To finish creating the Fund, click the "create fund" button in the popup:

That's it, you've now created an Enterprise Credits Fund.

Adding Money to Your Enterprise Credits Fund

When created, your balance on your Enterprise Credits Fund will be zero. You'll need to generate an invoice, send that invoice to Enterprise, then have them pay it using the account information we send to you.

To create an invoice to send to Enterprise, go to the Enterprise Credits Fund you'd like to add money to and click the "add money" button at the top of the page:

This will bring up a popup when you can enter the amount of money you'd like to generate an invoice for. Enter your desired amount, then click "send invoice":

When this is completed, you'll be sent an email with a link to your invoice and the bank account information for Enterprise to transfer the money to. From the invoice you can click the "download invoice" option to get a PDF you can send to Enterprise (this PDF will also include the bank account information to transfer the money to).

Setting Your Low Balance Warning Threshold

Your Low Balance Warning Threshold is the balance amount at which you'd like to be notified that your funds are getting low. This allows you to know when you should start the process of adding more money to your Enterprise Credits Fund.

To add/edit this Threshold, simply enter a number in the input provided. When you balance drops below this number, we'll alert you.